Thursday, September 18, 2008

Stranger than fiction

OK, those who know me well know that I am not an avid reader of fiction. I am a non-fiction-aholic. In an effort to expand my horizons, and make sure I regularly see my buds, I have decided to join a book club. Our choices involve books that seem fun, lighthearted... I guess we have made a few weird choices so far, but I have liked them.

We are now reading Anybody Out There? by Marian Keyes. I absolutely love her writing. Lots of sarcasm. You can "hear" the characters (several of whom are Irish) and you can "see" the plot. Alas, as funny as it is, there is a VERY serious part to the plot. One that makes one cry... a lot. That's all I am going to say.

So... I am reading fiction. I hope my non-fiction books don't get jealous.

1 comment:

SCC JPIC Blog said...

Try Fear and Yoga in New Jersey. It is quirky fiction that made me laugh out loud.