Friday, January 1, 2010


In this year, my buddy, Karen, and I are working on a scrapbook that encourages continual entries. It's a really simple scrapbook package by Becky Higgins called Project Life, and it was my Christmas gift to Karen.

This blog will, hopefully, help me remember the things for my entries until I can actually sit down and get 'er done. Right now, I have no choice, as it is in transit and is not even going to be in my hands until January 5 (or so says FedEx).

Today is, of course, the first day of a new year and a new decade: 2010. After watching and chuckling to The Hangover, Ignatius (did NOT watch The Hangover, thank you very much), Scott, and I watched the ball drop on Times Square at 11 last night, and then Ignatius and I kept ourselves awake until midnight in Illinois. We were all warm and cozy in our home, and that's the way we liked it. I read a bit of Breaking Dawn (again). It's my favorite of the four Twilight books.

Today, my husband gave me the best New Year gift ever: I slept until 11 AM. Not one bad dream. Not one scream of a child. Or at least, I was not conscious of any of that. He even watched Paranormal Activity, the movie, in the bedroom, and I did not awake (thank God... I hate that crap).

I worked out a bit with my friend, Kim, as we tortured our chests, backs, and triceps with Tony Horton and P90X, and then I braved the cold and the crazies at WalMart.

Alas, I missed all Masses at my own church for the Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God (Theotokos), so this evening I braved the cold, crossed town, and attended the ice box known as Holy Trinity Church for 5:30 PM Mass. I guess it would have been a good Mass if my teeth were not chattering quite so loudly. I know, I know. Mary dealt with much more... It's interesting how so many of my friends have posted that their decorations are down and all is back to "normal" at their house. Truly, "Christmas" is not over. This is its octave, or eighth day.

And now, I await the cooling of a skillet cookie, last year's Christmas gift from Karen, still used on nights like this where the Plato house is stocked with all that is needed to create the delightful dessert.

Oh happy day!

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