Day 46: Watching my school kids let loose and be silly
Day 47: I made this money you didn't. Right, Ted? We outta here.
Day 48: Finished Ig's NYC album!
Day 49: Truth
Day 50: Two-handed Bud Light at Schooners with my co-workers
Day 51: Scott wins the MSC raffle for the day!
Day 52: Veggies popping up
Day 53: This never gets old
Day 54: A gift from a former student
Day 55: Ellis Island simulation day: My little German immigrant
Day 56: Eggo Thick 'N Fluffy Waffles...mmmmmm
Day 57: Making cards, right down to the envelope, makes me happy
Day 57, Part 2: Chicago at night from a plane...amazingly large
Day 58: Clint and Emily's beautiful wedding
Day 59: Angry Orchard at the Harrisburg Airport
Day 60: Who cares what the school calendar says? Fairview after school.
Day 61: Pictures like this remind me of how far we have come.
Day 62: A beautiful corsage and thank you note from one of my students
Day 63: Awww yeah. Anderson opening day!
Day 64: Coming in to 602 on a Sunday at the end of the school year and being far from the only one here
Day 65: The "Warm Weather Wipe Out" selfie
Day 66: Year 23. Done.
Day 67: Having stuff on the calendar for Mrs. Plato's Summer School ensures less arguing...and soothes my OCD
Day 68: A garage sale find. Who latches onto it? And what's his first song? "Reindeer are better than people. Oh Sven, don't you think I'm riiiight?"
Day 69: Summer is here! Kids Run for Fun!
WHEW! Finally caught up!