Thursday, May 31, 2012

Hello, blog, it's been a while....

OK, the title of this blog made me think of this song...

This ADHD moment brought to you by Ritalin.

Anyway, school has been out for a week now, and what a glorious week it's been.  The weather has been unseasonably warm...July in May warm.  So, we have been spending some time at Fairview, at Tipton, and at Miss Ashley's, lubed up of course.  Max is beginning to get brave with his swimming attempts, Ignatius is growing "too old" to hang out with us at the pool, and I am sitting there with either my School Law or School Finance book in my hands attempting to enjoy the sun while pouring knowledge in to my head.

Max at Tipton Splash Pad

Miss Ashley's Inaugural Gathering (in May!)

I do not want to rush through this summer by any means.  I am halfway through my classes, thank goodness, and it's definitely been a stretch of my sanity.  But wanting to get them done means wanting June to go by quickly, and I really want to just take it slow.  Last summer felt so fast.  This one needs to tarry.  Please and thanks!

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