Monday, January 21, 2013

Serotonin Power Diet, Phase 2

Scott and I completed the Serotonin Surge phase of the Serotonin Power Diet.  We had a fairly successful Phase 1, and are moving on to Phase 2.  I have lost 6 pounds, and Scott has lost 9 pounds.  I have been exercising, and he has not.  Yup, typical dude.  The most important, we both really have been feeling the effects of changing our diet...not only what we eat but when we eat certain things, like protein and carbs.

As we enter Phase 2, it is recommended that we eliminate the evening snack.  It was carbs eaten a few hours after dinner.  I will say, I liked that snack, as I was a habitual evening snacker.  I felt like the diet was not making me sacrifice that.  The authors say that, if your cravings come back and you need the snack to calm them, go back to Phase 1.  We shall see.  Tonight is the first night without it.  After two weeks, the brain is allegedly trained to allow serotonin flow.

We also get to add a small amount of protein back into our dinner.  Tonight: chicken tacos!  I get 2 ounces of meat, and Scot gets 4 ounces.

I am getting about 3-4 workouts in during the week.  I am trying to mix cardio and weight training as much as I can.  That seems to be working well.

So, good news from here!  I am off to make egg white omelets for lunch.  Scott is home sick with a cold, and we are all off enjoying MLK's birthday.

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