Sunday, April 8, 2012

Autism Awareness Tidbit #8

My faith has been core to me as I journey the waters of autism spectrum disorders.  I truly do believe that God put my sons into my life for a reason, as any parent can probably attest to about their children.  So, why did he flavor our life with autism?  I'm not afraid to say that I don't have a solid answer to that.  I could sit around and ponder, "Why me?  Why us?  Why my kids?"  It really goes against my grain, as it seems to get me nowhere, and I like to be moving on from things that are difficult.  It's the journey we have the privilege to be on.  Sometimes it stinks, sometimes it doesn't.  But it is what it is and hardships and challenges have existed since the dawn of time.

So, today, on this Easter Sunday, the highest holy day of the Catholic Church, I am thankful to God.  As I am sacrificing my sons, albeit not-so-willingly, to this disorder, he sacrificed his son to save us all.  The light is bright at the end of this tunnel.  He only asks that we enjoy the ride.

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