Thursday, April 12, 2012

Autism Tidbit #11

Remember Rain Man?  Dustin Hoffman's portrayal of Raymond Babbitt remains one of the best performances on record.  Now that I deal with perseveration as part of my everyday life, I am convinced that his acting was severely underappreciated at the time.  His repetition of phrases as he played Tom Cruise's brother with autism made many a viewer chuckle.  I still make, "5 minutes to Wapner" comments.  Classic.    There is perseverative behavior in both of our boys.  With Ignatius, it's more his thoughts.  He builds himself up to an anxious state because of the perseveration of thoughts that will not leave him alone.  With Max, it's actions as well as words.  This month, his perseveration is the fire alarm that went off after school one day.  Last month.  And we still hear about it like it was today.  Over and over again.  And while it's cute for a while, it makes us a little nutty sometimes.  Because, if you do not respond, his repetition becomes more urgent.  And if you disagree with what he's repeating (The moon is made of cheese, right Mom?), you open yourself up for a screaming meltdown.  
My brain has responded to this by putting me in almost a stupor.  People can say things to me, and I am completely glazed...I am lost in my happy place.  It's just too much verbal information, over and over.  So, if you know me, and you have to repeat something for me, please know that it is because I am in survival mode and I'll return if given a moment or two. 

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